Jerusalem Mar Thoma Church is led by a Vicar and two Assistant
Vicars. The general body, also called the Edavaka Sangham, comprising
all the adult members of the church, is the supreme decison making
body of the parish. The day-to-day administration of the church is
handled by an Executive Committee headed by the President who is the
Vicar and two clergy Vice Presidents along with elected Lay Vice Presidents,
Secretary, Trustees, Lay Ministrants and the area and organizational
Representatives. The annual accounts and budget of the parish are cleared
by the Edavaka Sanghom. The Executive Committee is also called the
Kaisthana Samithi.
For administrative convenience and fellowship, the parish
is divided into prayer groups arranged geographically and have representatives
to the Kaisthana Samithi. The Executive Committee has a tenure of one
year and runs coterminous to the Financial year of the Governemt of
The Executive Committee members elected for the year 2022-2023
are given below: